Intrapreneurship : How to encourage leadership and innovation in your organization


The following presentation will explore the roadblocks and the enablers for organizations to support teams in their leadership and innovative thinking.  The concept of intrapreneurship will be introduced, as well as common practices to encourage teams and high-potential team players.  The presentation ends with a slide you can print and bring into a brainstorming meeting with your team, to formalize knowledge transfer and empower your leaders to learn and make better decisions on the go.

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Intrapreneurship is the process by which we cultivate entrepreneurial attitudes in teams of large organizations.  Although seldom presented in leadership seminars or MBA programs, this skill contributes to a truly innovative organizational culture, no matter the industry.  Companies who invest in intrapreneurship see lower turnover rates and higher levels of innovation in their services and processes, as well as a better knowledge transfer as team members progress in their careers, to new positions within the organization.  What will you do today to be a more intrapreneurship-enabling leader?  Download the following one-pager as an exercise to be completed with your team, and find out how you can root practices and tools into your organization to encourage your leaders to share and learn from each other. 
Intrapreneurship is the process by which we cultivate entrepreneurial attitudes in teams of large organizations.

Don’t you LIVE?


Something very funny happened last week.  I was chatting with some friends about their business and their experience while trying to having it grow when they told me this funny story.

They were on a plane I think it was, talking to some people they had randomly met.  After introducing themselves, the people asked them “well, what do you do?”  And they said “we build helicopter parts”.  No but what do you do?” “We build helicopter parts”.  “Yeah but in your spare time”…  “We build helicopter parts”!

To which these people answered something about “getting a life” — and to which my friends thought “YOU get a life” and it’s so very true.

I realize it now when I look at my schedule, at the hours I spend working on my own business after I come back from work.  And it’s striking because although it adds up to a lot… I wouldn’t have it any other way.  The truth is that when you’re really passionate about it, then that’s living…  and it feels so much better than doing nothing or just sitting in front of the television the whole day!

Of course, I do loads of things with my free time, too — I draw, I see friends, watch movies, do some astronomy and dancing…  but whenever I give up something to be able to spend some time on my business – I don’t regret it, there is no comparison!  Now there’s life and adventure for you: the thrills of running your own projects!